Sunday, February 7, 2010

#6 Open Topic (freewrite, 10 minutes)

For this freewrite, write about anything you want to write about. If you don't have something in mind, just start a new document and start typing. See where the writing takes your thinking.

This is my favorite freewrite because I have total freedom over what I want to write about. I want to write about steve vai. He’s a very influential guitar player to me. When I first heard his album passion & warfare, it made me want to take guitar playing seriously. I think he is truly a master of the guitar. There are three kinds of guitar palyers. One plays casually, they just use the guitar as a medium to write some music and there are active musicians who are well established and are pretty good at what they do and there are true artists and masters, they are very obsessive and have total control over the guitar. They can express themselves fully through their playing. I think that there are several musicians who fall into this category. It takes a lot of practice to be good. It is important to fully master any techniques to be able to express yourself to the fullest extent. If you have great ideas but you lack the technique, then you can not produce the music that you want to. Although it is important to practice technique, it doesn’t mean that you are good at playing guitar if you know all the techniques. Song writing is something that people are born with or work very very hard to do. Not everyone is good at writing music. With that being said, you can be a great song writer eventhough you don’t have all the technicals skills. Just because a piece of music is very technical does not mean it is good. Sometimes something simple can be more melodic and pleasing to the ear. Song writing is truly something people are born with. If they aren’t born with this skill then they hav eto work very hard to improve their song writing abilities. People who are very good at guitar spend all day playing. You cant expect to be good if you practice only a few hours a day.

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