Sunday, February 7, 2010

#4 Refine Your Research Topic/Question/Problem (freewrite, 10 minutes)

For this freewrite, select one of the research problems you have considered for your major research project. Respond to the problem with possible answers/hypotheses. You may want to do a little preliminary research before you begin this freewrite. Repeat as necessary.

Deep sea vent colonies survive without solar power
Why is it important to know about ecosystems that are independent of solar energy?
It is important because we can know more about other life in other places that do not require the sun’s energy

How does life survive in such extreme conditions?
This is also important in knowing more about life in other places that possibly have extreme conditions. It also lets us know about early life on earth when the conditions were very extreme.

What adaptations are necessary to live in extreme conditions?
Some species have adaptations that allow chemosynthesis of certain elements to obtain energy.

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