Sunday, February 7, 2010

#5 Learning Styles (freewrite, 10 minutes)

For this freewrite, reflect on your reading about learning styles and the related survey.

In the survery I scored very high in the musical and naturalistic categories. This makes a lot of sense to me because I am very musical. I like to listen to music all the time all day. i listen to different things depending on my mood. Sometimes I feel like I have attention deficit disorder when it comes to music because I like to skip around to my favorite parts often. Sometimes I can listen to whole songs, but sometimes I can’t listen to the whole song I keep skipping to another song or replaying the song again even when it hasn’t finished yet. Sometimes its best to listen to the whole song to get the total effect, but a lot of times I listen to my favorite parts. I also like to listen toa full album from start to finish in order. The order of the songs in the album is important because the types of songs follow a pattern. There is a beginning, middle, and end. Sometimes there are albums that are continuous. The ending of 1 song has the elements front the beginning of the next song. I also scored high in naturalistic. I think this makes sense since I like nature a lot. I scored very low in the visual-spatial category. I don’t think this is correct because I am very visual. I think that my answer to a certain questions led to this low score. I am interested in fashion and i like to look and colors balances and themes. I scored very low in the verbal-linguistic category. I think this makes sense. I read a lot of things on topics that interest me, but I do not write much.

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