Saturday, February 20, 2010

#2 What are your strengths? (freewrite, 10 minutes)

For this freewrite, focus on the strengths and aptitudes you bring to your future career.

I think that my strength is that I can complete all the work I need to do. I don’t give up easily. I always try my best to do things. i think that I put in a lot of work into what needs to be done. I’m also very detail oriented. I like to pay attention to little details because I feel that they are important. I have a hard time thinking about strengths and weaknesses because I don’t like to talk about myself. I know that I have some strengths and weaknesses but I don’t really think about it much because it is something that just is to me. I don’t really focus much on those kinds of topics, however, I think that strengths and weakness are important to know because you can use that information to improve yourself. It is probably good to start thinking about these kind of things because this is a good questions for employers to ask. I can see an interviewer asking these typical types of questions. I know a good answer to weaknesses. I plan on saying that my weakness is that I do not have much experience because I am a recent graduate, but I am a fast learner and willing to learn what it takes to build more experience. I think that weakenesses is a trickier questions than strengths because answering the question can tell a lot about yourself. If you say you have no weaknesses then that is kind of bad, on the other hand if you are too honest and tell everything so bluntly then that is also bad.

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