Sunday, February 7, 2010

#3 (this is not a freewrite)

Survey of Current Topics in Your Field (research and brainstorm)
In your blog you will be working towards this assignment for the Career Exploration Portfolio--the blog post should be notes and brainstorms related to this. Create a short overview (250-500 words) describing some current topics in your field. This can also be submitted as a list with a description of each entry. You can browse Google Scholar for current issues related to your field, and you may also be aware of current topics by way of the advanced courses you've taken in your major, things you've noticed as you've prepared your weekly article summaries, and so on.

Chesapeake bay anoxia – the Chesapeake bays water are low in oxygen. Hypoxic waters lead to death of infauna species and also blue crabs. Submerged vegetation is also decreasing in numbers

Chesapeake bay oyster decline – the amount of oysters has exponentially declined from 1900 values. This may be related to overharvesting

Chesapeake bay pollution – rapid industrialization from surrounding areas cause nitrogen pollution emitted from industrialized areas. Nutrient pollution also occurs in farming areas due to pesticides and fertilizers. The diets of farm animals contribute to nitrogen pollution because of manure.

Biofilms research – plaque attaches to teeth using biofilms. Understanding biofilm formation can help decreae plaque colonization. Biofilms also form on ships. Methods to prevent biofilm currently are dangerous to all marine species. Research on alternative treatments should be conducted

Highly resistant virus and bacteria – virus and bacteria are at risk at becoming resistant to treatment. Misuse of antibiotics can kill off weak strains leaving behind highly resilient strains. Likewise, Antibacterial soap can kill off weak strains leaving behind highly resilient strains.

Hydrothermal vent colonies- can survive in extreme conditions with no dependence on solar power. Important at understanding early life and possible life in other places. Biomass in hydrothermal vents is very large and thriving even though the conditions are so extreme.

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