Saturday, February 20, 2010

#4 What did you see on your way to work/school/etc. (pick one commute)? (freewrite, 10 minutes)

Wherever you are now, sitting down to write this, now think back to your journey here, to the building you are in now, getting ready to type. Use descriptive language to write about what you noticed on your trip. The idea is not to read this prompt in advance but to sit down and try to recall what you noticed, even though you were not thinking that later you would write about it. If you have this prompt in mind when you make your way to work, home, or to campus, it changes the kind of thinking and writing you'll do.

Going to school was hard because of the recent snow storm. There was mountains of snow on the sides of the roads. The snow closer to the roads were porous and had black grime covering it. The snow further away from the road was untouched and white. The streets seemed to have a whitish film and the roads looked dry. Along the side of the roads were small streams of melting snow. This was my first time venturing out after the storm, so the roads looked very different than what I am used to. Going to class, I had to take detours because my original route was blocked. The parking lot was also covered with snow. Certain areas were bumpy and dangerous. I almost got stuck in the parking lot because the cars were parked strange and the snow was too high and bumpy. I managed to escape by slowly reversing out. Some spots of the parking lot are completely filled with snow there are cetain sections of the lot that are totally unusable. I did not turn on music today whiel driving to school because I needed to give more attention to driving. The roads were not comfortable to drive on.

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