Sunday, February 28, 2010

#4 Open Topic (freewrite, 10 minutes)

For this freewrite, write about anything you want to write about. If you don't have something in mind, just start a new document and start typing. See where the writing takes your thinking.

Every fashion designer has two seasons: spring/summer and autumn/winter. Each season I like to look at the colors used and the themes. I like how they are always different but follow the same aesthetics. You can clearly tell who designed the piece by their style. For spring/summer this year the colors that appeal to me are beige/cream and various shades of blue and white. I think those colors are cool for this summer. I am liking that color scheme right now. I am not interested in redder tones or green tones at the moment, although those may be great for next spring/summer. I don’t know much for winter right now, but I can somewhat see black and blue as the primarly color scheme for me. I also see another earth toned theme that utilizes browns, greens, with hints of autumn colors like orange or red.i know for a fact that this up coming winter daiki suzuki’s woolrich woolen mills line is highly inspired by commes des garcons 70s style. It has been described as a hunting noir style. It has the classic hunting woolrich style, but he moves away from the usual reds seen in the collection. Its somewhat higher fashion than before and uses a lot of dark colors. I think the blue and black theme will be a major factor for this collection. Not much has been seen so far, but I saw some interesting pieces that I would like to pick up when winter comes. I am done with spring/summer purchases and am saving up for autumn/winter pieces because those are usually more expensive because they consist of heavier materials and jackets as opposed to shorter lighter fabrics used in spring/summer.

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