Saturday, February 20, 2010

#1 Researching/Writing Goals and Aspirations (freewrite, 10 minutes)

What are your goals for yourself as a writer and researcher: as a student in ENGL 302 this term, in your academic career, for your future career goals, and for yourself personally.

I would like to improve my writing and researching skills this semester. I am not a very good writer and researcher. I hope that I can do well in ENGL 302. I want to apply my research and writing skills learned in this class to help me write better. I am not looking for a very writing intensive job because writing is so hard for me. It is definitely one of my weakest skills. I think that my grammar and spelling is good, but my writing is not great because I don’t know what to write or how to write clearly and creatively. I think that writing will be an important part of my academic career if I choose to pursue a higher degree, however, at this point I am not looking into that. I will obtain a higher degree if the job I am at requires me to do so. I would like to get my foot in the door first and pay off some loans before I continue with more school. I think that writing skills are important regardless of what field you study. I think that research skills will be important if I choose to obtain a higher degree in biology. This semester is a lot of work for me, so I am trying to manage my time well.

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