Sunday, January 31, 2010

#6 Refined List of Research Topics (freewrite, 5-5-5 minutes)

Select three topics from the list you created and write them/type them into a new document. Write everything you know already about each topic without doing further research in advance. Spend five minutes on each one (set the timer for each one so you don't have to keep looking at the clock).

1. Chesapeake bay declining water quality
Decline in blue crabs
Decline in fauna
Decline in oyster reefs and oysters
Farming fertilizier run off and industrial pollution
Excess nitrogen due to industrial industries
Terrains surrounding bay acts as filter

2. Dinosaur relation to birds – feathers

Dinosaur feathers possible simple version of modern bird feathers
Color pigment, melanosomes, found in both
Bird and dinosaur bone structure

3. Deep sea vent colonies survive without solar power

Independent of solar power
Has large ecosystem
Can tolerate extreme temperature changes
Tube worm colonies form on hydrothermal vents
Fish and crabs live on vest
Extreme cold waters with high pressure, but vents are extremely hot
Utilize methane
Vents do not last long, colonies must move

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