Sunday, January 31, 2010

#1 Earliest Memory (freewrite, 10 minutes)

How far back can you remember? What is your earliest memory? This may involve something that happened--an event--or it may merely be a sensory impression. Write about this earliest memory--as you write other early memories--perhaps even earlier ones will come up--write about those too, in vivid, descriptive language.

My earliest memory is not clear to me right now. I will think of something soon. Lets see. I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I rmemeber nothing I remember a vacation. i remember my first day of school. I was wearing yellow pants and my mom took a picture of me before we left. I went to school and the classroom was bright and my teachers were there. There were three teacher in kindergarten. I don’t remember any of their names. One teacher wore light blue overalls and possibly a white turtleneck sweater underneath. She had long sholder length blonde hair and bangs. I probably only remember this from viewing photos. Actually I stated earlier that I wore yellow pants. I don’t actually remember that but I remember viewing a photo of myself on the first day of school and I had yellow pants. I probably can only recall these events because of the photographs. i don’t really like to take photographs, there probably a huge gap between 10-now where I have no pictures taken or very few. I seriously think that only 5-6 pictures of me have been taken in the past 10-15 years. I dotn know if this is bad or good bu ti don’t really care right now. Another memory is when my mom took me to an office Christmas party. It was night time and we drove in an old red car. The office was kinda dark if I recall correctly. There was a clown who had a monkey at the party and he put my monkey on my shoulder. I was really botherd and probably scared but I don’t like to show anyone that im scared so I just stood there and pretended like I didn’t care. This probably took place in the late 80s or maybe early 90s but I know for a fact that I did not start school yet so this isdefinitely before 1991. The monkey was brown and one of those small monkeys

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