Sunday, January 31, 2010

#2A Three Significant People (freewrite, 10 minutes)

Write about three people who have had an important impact on your current career goals. Think about people from deep in your past, not just people in your current sphere or from the past couple of years. Be as descriptive as possible. Don't just write about these people generally but describe them in vivid detail--what are their gestures, what do they look like, what environment do you remember them in?

I think that my mom has had an important impact on my career goals. She always wanted me to be a doctor eventhough im not interested. Maybe later, but as of now I don’t care for that. Anyways, I always felt that science was the most interesting subject ins chool. I really like nature and wildlife.i like the way moutnians look. My mom is of average height. She has light skin. Its very pale. And she has blackish brown hair. I think that she has a bunch of grey hairs. She often dyes the grey hairs. Personally I don’t think that’s cool.i lik the way grey hairs look. They look cool. Its hard to tink of other people who have had an important impact on my career goal because I don’t really feel like I know exactly what I am doing right now. Another person who had an impact on me was my friends mother. She’s very smart and she is a physical therapist. I am looking into becoming a physical therapist. It looks like an interesting job. Her name is belkis Negron. Belkis is short and somewhat chubby. She has long hair that is light brown. I think this may de dyed hair too. I think her real hair color is a little darker. I have known her for a long time I like to talk to her about career paths and choices because she is smart. I don’t know hwo else has had an impact on me. I am trying to think right now. i think that most of my choices have no direction I need to find out what I really want to do. There is not really any significant people who greatly influenced what I want to do. Although this is so, I always like to hear everyones opinions and take it into consideration because I don’t want to close myself to possibilities.i want to get all the advice I can get so that I can make the best choice. I think I want to be more clear on what I want to do. I hope that I can find something that I enjoy to do in the future. But sometimes I think life is unknown u never know what will happen in the future

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